J. P. King receives art materials
Published 10:16 am Thursday, September 16, 2010

J.P. King Middle School Art Instructor Vanessa Collins displays new supplies purchased for her program through a program at Farm Fresh.
FRANKLIN-J.P. King Middle School, which raised $13,700 last school year through a Farm Fresh program to buy art materials, has set a $50,000 goal for this year.
“I am sure we will make it if our parents, staff and community all help and turn in their receipts,” said teacher Patti Rabil.
As an incentive, every Farm Fresh receipt turned in will go into a drawing for $100 worth of groceries from the store.
“You can win if you turn in one receipt or if you turn in 100 receipts,” Rabil said.
Participants also can win a $500 gift certificate from Farm Fresh Supermarkets plus an iPod Shuffle by filling out an entry form at the school’s office.
Last year the school participated in the Farm Fresh 123-4 the Community program. Parents, teachers and the community turned in register receipts that enabled the school to convert them into free educational materials for the school. The program includes a catalog with materials and equipment available to participating schools across the United States.
The school started the program in February and collected more than $13,700 through the finishing date of May 31.
Student Council Association focused on the school’s art program. More art materials were needed to give students opportunities to work with more art mediums, including clay, wire and pastels.
JPK Art Instructor Vanessa Collins and SCA sponsors Sharon Bowles and Patti Rabil selected materials. They were received last week.
“What a great gesture from Farm Fresh to support our schools,” Collins said. “I would like to thank the SCA for recognizing how important the cultural arts program is to the school and our students. Art can touch and enrich every subject’s curriculum.”
Supplies will be displayed in the art room during the school’s open house on Thursday, Sept. 23.
The drawing for this year’s program will take place in May. In addition, classroom contests will be held each month.
“This is a great program,” said JPK Principal Jeremy Knapp. “Every amount, no matter how small, adds up quickly. During the first four days we received several hundred dollars in receipts from staff and community. Any program that can offer benefits to instruction is worth our participation.”
The program began Sept. 8 and will run through May 31. The community can turn in or mail receipts to the school.
For questions, call Rabil at 562-4631.