Class of ’60 meets for 50th
Published 8:28 am Friday, August 20, 2010

The Hayden High School Class of 1960 met for its 50th class reunion on Aug. 7 at Franklin Sportsman’s Association. Seated from left are Edith Reid Deloatch, Norris Earl Francis, Marian Lamb Turner, Dollie Councill Reid and Dorothy Smith Wiggins; in second row, Mazina Scott Porter, Elna Diggs Graves, Ruby Smith Baxter, Hazel Deloatch Duck, Leathia Eley Carroll, Catherine Peden and Rydell Ridley; third row, Nannie Beale Perkinson, Marie Barnes Scott, Mildred Johnson Turner, Eulah Lankford Jones and Eloise Harris Jones; and in back, Robert Whitehead, Sally Harris Ferguson, Shirley Artis Chatman, William Hendricks, John Holloway, Willie Francis, Juanita Buck, Novella Joyner Myles, Mondoza Davis, Junius Carroll and Odell Riddick Forte. -- Submitted
As part of the 50th reunion for Hayden High School’s Class of 1960, a group of classmates went to East Pavilion nursing home in Franklin for a surprise visit with classmate Marian Lawrence Williams.
“She cried (when she saw us),” said classmate Mazina Scott Porter. “She didn’t know we were coming.
Williams’ health would not allow her to attend the reunion.
“We just wanted to show her we love her,” Mazina said. “We took her a care package.”
It included a program for the reunion and a card signed by classmates.
Other graduates visiting Williams were Mondoza Davis, Novella Joyner Miles, Lethia Eley Carroll, Eloise Clark Holloway, Marian Lamb Turner, Ruby Smith Baxter, Mildred Johnson Turner and Catherine Peden.
The Class of 1960 had its reunion on Aug. 7 at Franklin Sportsman’s Association. Seventy-one attended, including 28 classmates from the former high school in Franklin.
They were Marie Barnes Scott, Nannie Beale Perkinson, Eulah Lankford Jones, Marian Lamb Turner, Dorothy Smith Wiggins, William Hendricks and John Holloway, all of Franklin; Ruby Smith Baxter and Edith Reid Deloatch, both of Portsmouth; Shirley Artis Chatman of Norfolk; Mildred Johnson Turner and Mazina Scott Porter, both of Suffolk; Junius Carroll and Lethia Eley Carroll, both of Windsor; Dollie Council Reid and Hazel Deloatch Duck, both of Hampton; and Eloise Harris Jones of Lawrenceville.
Also attending were Rydell Ridley of Fredericksburg; Novella Joyner Myles of Richmond; Mondoza Davis of Petersburg; Elna Diggs Graves and Catherine Peden, both of Ivor; Willie Francis of Owens Mills, Md.; Juanita Buck Jones of Fort Washington, Md.; Sally Harris Ferguson of Jamestown, N.C.; Odell Riddick Forte of Washington, D.C.; Robert Whitehead of Baltimore; and Norris Earl Francis of Rockville Center, N.Y.
Others came from the classes of 1957, 1959 and 1961.
Faculty members Earl Carson and Mrs. Samuel Carter also attended.
Robert Whitehead was the toastmaster, and Anthony King from the Class of 1951 was the speaker.

Carrollton Postmaster Susan Lyle and postal employee Tracey Ross watch as Carrollton Firefighter Andrew Fletcher untangles the American flag at the post office. -- Submitted
• Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department recently “rescued” the American flag at the post office in Carrollton.
Postmaster Susan Lyle and postal employee Tracey Ross watched as Carrollton Firefighter Andrew Fletcher untangled the national colors, which got wrapped around the decorative ornament at the top of the pole during a recent windstorm.
Carrollton VFD Capt. Bryan Hubbard operated the 75-foot extension ladder to reach the flag from fire engine Quint-10. The term “quint” indicates the five primary firefighting capabilities of this truck: hoses, on-board water supply, pump unit, ground and aerial ladders.
Although classified as a “non-emergency” response, this type of public assistance for the local community is often performed by the volunteer fire department.