City school board reappoints officers, tables fee schedule

Published 10:25 am Saturday, July 17, 2010

FRANKLIN—The Franklin School Board voted Thursday to reappoint its officers to their existing posts.

Bill Scarboro and Mona Murphy were reappointed as board chairman and vice chairman, respectively, and Dr. Walter Clemons will continue to serve as deputy clerk and superintendent’s designee. Board meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 p.m. on the third Thursdays of each month.

The board also discussed and tabled a list of recommended school fees for the 2010-2011 school year. Chief among the board’s concerns were the fees for participating in band, which collectively for one student would total $70.

“Maybe there is something the board can do to help with some of these fees,” said Edna King.

Murphy concurred, but said she wanted to see parents contribute by raising some of the money, especially through fundraisers.

There was also discussion about driver education fees. For non-enrolled students, the price is $190, compared to $95 for local students.

“I don’t want us to be offering a steal for non-enrolled students at the expense of our students,” Scarboro said.

The board was also informed that the division saved $19,361 in utility bills from March 10 through May 10. Linc Services, a company based in Sterling, Va., is conducting an energy audit of the division.

“Given that the expected savings for the school system (is) $21,000 in a full year, this is an exceptional savings for only one quarter,” Jeffrey Buennemeyer, a spokesman for Linc Services, said in a written statement. “It should be noted that these savings were a result in large part to an extremely cold winter which forced the schools to rely much more on electric back-up heat.”