A tribute to her very special friend

Published 8:17 am Friday, July 2, 2010

To the Editor:

A very special friend and co-worker passed away a couple of weeks ago after fighting a very courageous battle with cancer.

Kelly Carpenito Makoske, known to some as “Hot Shot,” was a very special young lady. She was one to be admired and remembered as someone who pressed on in spite of her circumstances.

Her laughter showed how much she enjoyed life. Because of her sense of humor and her zest for life, no one had a hint of the pain that she was experiencing. Even though her stature was small, she stood tall; even though her life was short, she lived it to the fullest; even though she carried a heavy load, she toiled day after day working from sun up until sun down trying to help her clients.

If she was experiencing a bad day, just coming into the office and sharing her burdens with me seemed to have made her burdens easier to bear. She considered me as being her inspiration, however little did she know that she was truly my inspiration.

To know Kelly was to love her; to experience her personality, endurance, patience, love and perseverance was an inspiration to all who knew her.

Whenever you are having a bad day, remember the person who had every reason to have a bad day but refused to let it interfere with her zeal for life. Remember “Hot Shot,” my co-worker, my inspiration, my friend.

If I had just one more day to spend with my special friend my question to her would be, “where did you get your strength?” Knowing Hot Shot she would say, “The times that you whispered a prayer for me, said a kind word to me, and was just there for me helped me to find the strength to endure.” Rest in peace, “Hot Shot” — even though you are gone, you will never be forgotten. I love you.

Carroll Holland
