Lack of Moyler oversight fails the ‘smell test’
Published 8:06 am Wednesday, June 23, 2010
To the Editor:
The Tidewater News staff editorial titled “Answers, please” (Wednesday, June 16) was right on target.
How attorney Ed Moyler was so easily able to evade the system’s safeguards is the right question.
In business there is a guiding moral principle called the “smell test.” If the facts of a situation appear questionable or improper, red flags go up requiring a closer look. No estate returns were filed for a decade.
How does that happen? This does not pass the smell test.
This has the “appearance” of gross incompetence on the part of an office with fiduciary responsibility. Because of this responsibility the office is held to a higher standard of financial conduct.
Whether it is illegal complicity or incompetence on the part of commissioner-of-accounts system, the office is still accountable and requires independent investigation.
Lack of accountability is a growing problem in our country. It is a driving force behind the erosion of confidence and trust in our leaders in all levels of government.
The summation comment that “Mr. Moyler went to prison” may be true, but it essentially says to the public Mr. Moyler paid his price so that is the end of it. Not so.
The whys of this are equally important. This office of commissioner of accounts is charged with ensuring the proper settlement and protection of estates.
It obviously did not happen in this case. This office answers to the Circuit Court. Why are they not pursuing any type of public action in this case? Does this pass the smell test?
Butch Shields