Courtland, Boykins, Newsoms will not raise property taxes

Published 10:04 am Saturday, June 5, 2010

The towns of Courtland, Boykins and Newsoms will not raise property taxes to provide services to residents for the 2010-2011 fiscal year.

The following is a breakdown of the budgets:


Courtland’s proposed general fund budget totals $349,314 and the proposed water fund budget is $101,750.

While the proposed budget has decreased from the current year, it doesn’t require any cuts to services.

Under the proposed budget, the town’s real estate tax rate of 19 cents per $100 of assessed value remains unchanged. Under the tax rate, a homeowner would pay $190 in taxes for a home assessed at $100,000.


Boykins’ proposed budget totals $218,000, with tax revenues of $96,700 being the largest source of revenud.

The town’s real estate tax rate of 20 cents per $100 of assessed value remains unchanged in the proposed budget. Under the tax levy, a homeowner would pay $200 in taxes on a home valued at $100,000.

No services will be cut or added under the proposed budget.


Newsoms’ proposed budget for fiscal year 2011 totals $47,286.

The largest chunk is expected to come from real estate taxes. The second largest source of revenue will come from traffic fines.

Under the proposed budget, the town’s real estate tax rate remains the same at 10.4 cents per $100 of assessed value and there would be no changes to town services. A homeowner would pay $104 in taxes on a home assessed at $100,000.