Scott Seddon

Published 10:02 am Saturday, April 24, 2010

Name: Scott Seddon

Occupation and title: U.S. Navy lieutenant

Age: 39

Spouse: Michelle Seddon

Children’s names and ages: Kyle Seddon, 16; Cameron Seddon, 13

Church affiliation: Methodist Church on High Street

Favorite movie of all time: “Sergeant York”

TV show I never miss: “Pacific”

The secret to happiness is: Humor

I wish I knew how to: Play guitar

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: Frank Sinatra

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Tacos, Fred’s club sandwich and Joe’s pizza

Three words that best describe me: Tall, dark, handsome

One superpower I wish I had: Change the world

Book currently on my nightstand: “Uncle John’s”

My proudest achievement: Gaining a commission in the Navy

My most humbling moment: Children being born

My most recent trip: Valpariso, Chile, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

My life won’t be complete until: I retire from the Navy to spend time with family

I really lose my cool when: People are not true

Favorite college sports team: Ohio State

Favorite pro sports team: Cleveland Browns

Favorite color: Hunter green

What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned, and who taught you? Don’t forget where you come from” — My first chief in the Navy

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life? Getting married

Which local charitable or nonprofit organization do you wish more people would support? St. Baldricks

What gives you the blues? Bad weather

What’s your best childhood memory? My friends