Legends Mini Mall presents Kurt Kutzs

Published 8:08 am Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Name of person featured: Kurt D. Evans

Name of Business: Legends Mini Mall presents Kurt Kutzs

Street address: 22225 Main St., Courtland

Phone number: 757-706-6222

Operating hours: Tuesday through Friday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

E-mail address: Kurtevans527@gmail.com

Nature of business: Barber shop

owner/manager or title: Kurt D. Evans

Year founded: 2001

Prior locations: Chicago

Number of employees: One

How’s business? Business is very good. You do good work, you have good business.

One thing you wish everyone knew about your business: I accept credit cards.

Something you offer that a customer won’t find elsewhere: A safe, worry-free environment you will feel good about bringing your family to.

Advice to young entrepreneurs: Don’t be afraid to step out on faith.

Your first job: A car detailer at Bell Motors

Your role model (in business or in life generally): Dorothy Means in Chicago.