Supervisors have no regard for citizens’ financial plight
Published 8:19 am Friday, March 19, 2010
To the Editor:
Our Southampton County supervisors continue to raise our taxes every year.
This year it was increasing the personal property taxes from $4 to $4.50 per $100 of assessed value, or 11.5 percent, and taxes on lodging and restaurants — this while property values are falling. The paper mill is closing, with many people — sometimes both bread winners — losing their jobs, many homes in or headed for foreclosure, all without any consideration for property tax relief and with unemployment over 10 percent.
The county supervisors have imposed on this county a property tax rate that’s approximately 20 cents higher per $100 of assessed valuation than the average of other counties in the Commonwealth.
Obviously, the problem is in the size and compensation to the biggest employer in the county: the government. Will we ever have responsible county leadership? Not likely.
Dan Hohman
Southampton County