Moving on

Published 7:59 am Wednesday, March 10, 2010

On Tuesday, James Edward Moyler Jr. was sentenced to 18 months in prison for embezzlement.

The sentence, which was handed down in Southampton County Circuit Court, is one of the final chapters in a sad story involving two storied families from the community’s past: the Steinhardts and the Moylers.

Both families loved the community they called home. Both toiled many years in their respective professions, and gave unselfishly of their time and efforts. And both earned lasting friendships along the way.

Lucille Steinhardt wanted to serve as benefactor to Franklin Fire & Rescue, to Southampton Memorial Hospital and to local high school kids who wanted to attend the University of Richmond. She wanted her millions to go toward making the community she loved a better place.

Moyler was entrusted to help make Steinhardt’s wishes a reality. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

While the prosecution and the defense in this bizarre case differ greatly over the intentions and the motivations behind Moyler’s actions, the end result is that Steinhardt’s money is gone.

We believe that Judge John C. Morrison Jr. handed down an appropriate sentence. And we believe that Fire & Rescue Chief Vince Holt summed it up best after the sentencing:

“I think the justice system did their job. It’s just sad for everybody involved.”