Isle of Wight needs dose of common sense
Published 8:33 am Friday, March 5, 2010
To the Editor:
There’s something Stan Clark shares with Ford Motor Co. — common sense with just the right amount of genius.
In 2006, Ford saw the direction of the economy and rightly predicted the downturn recession we’re now in. They began a systemic reorganization of the company to protect itself at a time when most were oblivious to what was coming. Four years later, Fords profits are skyrocketing, vehicles are earning “Car of the Year” awards at rapid pace, while all their competitors are getting bailouts and enduring massive recalls.
Today, Clark wants to save our schools before the tough really gets tougher. Consolidation makes perfect sense: Why do we need redundant mechanics, human resources staff, finance staff and more between the schools and the county? This makes all of us pay double, when one department each can oversee county and school staffs. Fiscally, to reject this solution is reckless.
Sadly, big-government liberals infest our education system at alarming rates. Now is not the time for bigger government and bloated staff payrolls.
School Superintendent Michael McPherson refuses to accept the fact that he can’t keep spending when revenues plummet. Remember, he took a pay raise after demanding school employees take pay cuts.
Closing Windsor Middle School is unnecessary and adds problems instead of solving them. Purposely overcrowding schools does not enhance the learning environment.
Whatever happened to common sense? Apparently only Ford, Clark, Phillip Bradshaw and Herb DeGroft see the light: Make changes now while you can.
I just hope those who are afraid to act boldly and quickly do not cause a complete financial meltdown.
Dave Lyons