Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Name of Business: Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia
Person featured: Susan Story
Street address: 1226 White Marsh Road, Suite 210, Suffolk; 100 Fourth Ave., Franklin
Phone number: 925-1449, 569-8206
Operating hours: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
E-mail address:
Nature of business: Programs and services for seniors, people with disabilities and their families
Principal owner/manager and title: Not-for-profit Area Agency on Agency; John N. Skirven, CEO
Year founded: 1972
Headquarters office: Interstate Corporate Center, 6350 Center Drive, Building 5, Suite 101, Norfolk. Satellite offices in Franklin, Suffolk, Courtland and Carrollton.
Number of employees: 126
How’s business? Great. We are constantly receiving referrals and new customers, however as the population ages, we will always be here to help the older adults. Therefore,, our agency will hopefully always be here. Our goal is to support and enrich the lives of older adults and their families through advocacy, education, information products and comprehensive services.
One thing you wish everyone knew about your business:The magnitude of our services is unbelievable. We offer programs and services directly or through partnerships with public agencies and private providers that include: care for caregivers, care for seniors at home, legal services, Medicare, Medicaid and prescription drug assistance, nursing home and assisted living help, transportation, volunteer programs and wellness and meal programs. And we have fun doing all those things!
Something you offer that a customer won’t find elsewhere: You do not have to be a senior to call. We help caregivers and family members who inquire on behalf of their parents or relatives from anywhere in the United States. We are a one-stop shop for older adults and their needs.
Advice to young entrepreneurs: Always give 150 percent, no matter what you’re doing. Your heart has to be in it.
Your first job: Cleaning up horse stables at our home. My dad actually paid me. (I think he was trying to teach me the value of a $1, and it worked.)
Your role model (in business or in life generally): My parents. They both worked hard to accomplish what they wanted in life and taught me to give whatever I was doing 150 percent and to always do my best.
The key to a successful business is: Care and compassion