E-mail news updates offer daily stories

Published 8:10 am Friday, January 22, 2010

Beginning today, The Tidewater News will offer a daily news e-mail that summarizes the area’s top news stories.

Obituaries, messages from sponsoring businesses, and other helpful information will be included.

“Much of the content will not have been published yet in our print edition, so it’s a great way for Western Tidewater residents to get the very latest in local news,” said Publisher Steve Stewart.

The e-mail will be sent at 11 a.m. Monday through Saturday, targeting busy professionals and others who want a quick snapshot of local news. When there is breaking news, additional updates may be sent throughout the day.

Interested persons can sign up to receive the news e-mail by calling 562-3187 or sending an e-mail to dailynews@tidewaternews.com. Residents also can register online at www.thetidewaternews.com. The service is free.

The Suffolk News Herald began offering daily e-mail updates in September.

“We’ve been very pleased with the results and the response that we’ve had since launching,” Editor Tim Reeves said. “It’s been very well received and very popular.”