McClenny deserves recognition

Published 8:08 am Friday, January 15, 2010

To the Editor:

Even with the fact that much has been said and written regarding the retirement of Sgt. Ronnie McClenny, I believe it is imperative that even though he has not received his weapon or his concealed weapons permit, there is one other matter of tremendous concern that has not been addressed.

In my 57 years as a resident, I have never known a retiree of any department in the city not be recognized for his or her service to the city. Therefore, I should like to tell you why I think it is absolutely necessary for the city to correct this matter.

McClenny has been an exemplary police officer for 25 years without a disciplinary action on his record and has attained excellent yearly performance evaluations. He was chosen the Star Performer of the Franklin Police Department in both 2008 and 2009 and has done so much for the Downtown Association and numerous other business and civic endeavors. I have detailed these things in previous letters to the city and they are aware of his community involvement.

More than 400 people have commented favorably about McClenny with regard to The Tidewater News articles that have been posted on the Internet, while less than 100 have made negative comments. I suspect most of those are people to whom he issued a ticket for violations of the law.

I am convinced beyond a doubt that the majority of citizens in Franklin will agree that it is absolutely proper and imperative that the Council issue a well-deserved “thank you” an a commendation for his fine service in providing safety and security for all of us for that 25 year period.

Bob Edwards
