WLQM Radio 101.7 FM, 1250 AM (Franklin Broadcasting Corporation)
Published 7:53 am Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Name of person featured: Tina Louise Harris, advertising account executive
Name of Business: WLQM Radio 101.7 FM, 1250 AM (Franklin Broadcasting Corporation)
Street address: 320 N. Franklin Street, Franklin
Phone number: 562.3135
E-mail address: tina@wlqmradio.com
Nature of business: Radio broadcasting
Principle owner/manager and title: Michael Clark, VP/general manager
Year founded: 1956
Number of employees: 10
How’s business? Like most businesses, there have been challenges, but new times are around the corner, and the company is pursuing new endeavors.
One thing you wish everyone knew about your business: One of the few family-owned businesses left in Virginia; they have been family-owned for three generations
Something you offer that a customer won’t find elsewhere: A commitment to quality and informative local radio that provides a programming platform that entertains and informs our listeners while offering affordable advertising solutions to the business community
Advice to young entrepreneurs: There is a lot to learn. However, do not listen to negativity. Shake it off. Always treat people the way you want to be treated. If you want to do something to better yourself, without jeopardizing another’s right to enjoy life, then do it. Do it tactfully, to the best of your ability and expect that you can’t please everyone. Shake off the unpleasing.
Your first job: With a real paycheck: restaurant server, age 14
Your role model (in business or in life generally): My business role model is my father, because my dad taught me morals, not what was right for society or right according to the rules, but what was right for me and my circle of influence, my relationships and my soul.
The key to a successful business is: Teamwork! Learn from what doesn’t work out. Don’t give up.