Richmond leaders continue to fail on ferry issue
Published 8:21 am Wednesday, December 16, 2009
To the Editor:
Recently, the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry service was reduced due to ferries being out of commission for maintenance and parts unavailability. Still, we have unnecessary ferry security and the costs thereof.
Until it is shown that this ferry is a terrorist target, these security costs should be completely eliminated and used to provide parts and service to the existing ferry.
We don’t have this level of security on any bridge or tunnel that is just as vulnerable.
The General Assembly should have been on top of this. There is no valid reason for the Virginia Department of Transportation not being funded adequately to have workable, serviceable ferries so that schedules and service are not reduced. This is a continuing governance failure in Richmond.
Citizens had to make Richmond do its job 10 months ago on the ferry services. Here we go again.
Is anyone at the helm in Richmond? Is anyone monitoring our state spending?
Amy Sage