Lauren Elizabeth Lombard

Published 9:35 am Friday, November 6, 2009

Name: Lauren Elizabeth Lombard

Age: 48

Occupation and title: Youth services programmer at the Ruth Camp Campbell branch of the Blackwater Library

Spouse’s name: Roger

Children’s names and ages: Sarah, 19, and Molly, 18

Church affiliation: Bethel Assembly of God

If I could change my name, I’d make it: I’m happy with what I have. if I changed it, it would just confuse me.

Pet I’d like to own: I have always loved Welsh Corgis. Right now we have an Australian cattle dog named Sophie, a border collie named Gil and a Pomeranian named Louie, as well as two cats — Monet and Ahab.

People say I look like: Me

Favorite movie of all time: Last of the Mohicans with Daniel Day Lewis

TV show I never miss: Fringe

The secret to happiness is: To be content with what you have and count your blessings every day

I wish I knew how to: Spin and weave

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: I would not inflict that kind of suffering on anyone.

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Pizza, chocolate and apricots

Three words that best describe me: Determined, loud, humorous

One superpower I wish I had: Moving things with my mind. It seems like every time I get comfortable with all my knitting stuff on my lap I realize I have forgotten something and I have to get up!!

Book currently on my nightstand: Peace like a River by Leif Enger

My proudest achievement: Raising my children

My most humbling moment: When I first held my newborn daughter in my arms. That moment changed my life forever.

My most recent trip: Williamsburg for the Virginia Library convention

My life won’t be complete until: I die — until then I will just see where life takes me

My friends think I’m: Adaptable, loud and funny

I really lose my cool when: People are mean.

Favorite college sports team: Don’t have one

Favorite pro sports team: Don’t have one, but like to watch extreme sports when they are on

Favorite color: Green

What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned, and who taught you? Never say anything behind someone’s back that you would not say to their face. My father taught me that.

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life? To relax and let life take me where it will

Which local charitable or non-profit organization do you wish more people would support? CASA, the food bank and, of course, your local library.

What gives you the blues? When bad things happen to children. It just tears my heart out when children are abused or neglected.

What’s your best childhood memory? Staying with my Grandma in the summers. She had a beautiful flower garden and would let me pick the marigolds and decorate the table with them.

What’s your most recent venture? Returning to the library after eight years off to home school my daughters