Bunch keeps seat
Published 8:16 am Wednesday, November 4, 2009
CARRSVILLE—Kenneth Bunch, who’s represented the Carrsville District on the Isle of Wight County School Board since 2004, was re-elected to the seat Tuesday.
“I’d just like to thank the voters for having enough confidence in me to vote me back to the School Board for another four years,” Bunch said Tuesday night.
Bunch defeated challenger Debbie Hall, 970-700.
“I think he’ll continue to do a good job,” Hall said of Bunch’s re-election Tuesday night. She said that she is “not a politician,” and this was her first political campaign.
“I didn’t think I did too bad,” she said. “I just went door-to-door and talked to people about my ideas.”
Bunch thanked Hall for “running a clean campaign” and both said they plan to make good on their promise to meet and share ideas after the election—no matter who won.
When asked about the margin of victory, Bunch said he didn’t have an expectation.
“That’s something you can never predict,” he said.
Hall said that she will continue to be active in the school system and will likely run again in 4 years.
“I’m really interested in the quality of our school system,” she said.
“Hopefully the School Board will stop bickering amongst themselves and start listening to the parents, staff and students.”