Historical Society seeks local artifacts

Published 8:43 am Wednesday, October 7, 2009

COURTLAND—Got something in the attic of historical significance?

The Southampton Historical Society would love to see it.

Through its “Call for Artifacts,” the society is looking for items from the time period of the 1831 Nat Turner Slave Insurrection, which would be appropriate to put on display at the Rebecca Vaughan House, which is currently under restoration.

Other historic artifacts may be displayed in the Museum of Southampton History, which is located in the former Blount Building in Courtland and is also being developed.

“If anybody has something in their attic that they believe to be of historic interest, if they would pull it out we would love to evaluate it,” said Rick Francis, the county clerk and a member of the historical society.

According to an Oct. 21, 1949, article in The Tidewater News, “a large and interesting display of Southampton relics and antiques” were displayed at the Franklin Armory from Oct. 22 to 26 of that year, part of the observances for Southampton County’s bicentennial. The items were also “assured for the historical museum.”

Items donated to the historical society are tax-deductible.