Candidate meets with VAOLF

Published 10:18 am Saturday, August 29, 2009

RICHMOND—Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell met with two opponents of the Outlying Landing Field on Friday, fulfilling a promise to do so.

Tony Clark, chairman of the group Virginians Against the Outlying Landing Field, said Friday that both he and Barry Steinberg, an attorney with the Washington-based law firm Kutak Rock LLP, met with McDonnell for about an hour and 20 minutes on Friday morning. Steinberg represents five Virginia counties that are against the OLF.

Clark declined to go into details about the meeting, but did characterize them as productive.

“He was genuinely engaged in the conversation with us,” Clark said. “Hopefully something good will come out of it.”

Crystal Cameron, press secretary for the McDonnell campaign, confirmed that the meeting took place at 8:15 a.m. at the campaign’s headquarters in Richmond.

Clark said a meeting with Creigh Deeds, the Democratic candidate for governor, wasn’t scheduled yet. Last week, Deeds campaign spokesman Jarod Leopold said his candidate would meet with the VAOLF sometime in the near future.

Virginians will go to the polls to elect a new governor on Nov. 3.