Tough task ahead
Published 9:54 am Saturday, August 22, 2009
Franklin has managed to hang on to a good person for one more year.
City Manager June Fleming plans to leave her post in June. Fleming, a retired city manager from Palo Alto, Calif., became Franklin’s interim city manager last summer when Rowland “Bucky” Taylor left to become executive director of the Southeastern Public Service Authority.
She had originally agreed to stay with the city until the end of the 2009 fiscal year on June 30 but, thanks to a “memorandum of understanding” with the city, has given Franklin one more year of her steadfast and professional leadership.
During the next year, the City Council has agreed to look for Fleming’s replacement, though they are going to be hard-pressed to find someone to fill her shoes.
Fleming seems to have whipped city government — still not without its foibles, mind you — into working shape and the citizenry has benefitted tremendously from her candor.
Let’s not forget that she started this work as a volunteer, too.
Franklin and its citizens owe Fleming a great deal of gratitude.
We wish her well in her second “retirement” next year, though it’s hard to believe Fleming, a community servant by nature, will stay quiet for long.