Community Day was great success in Wakefield

Published 9:50 am Saturday, August 22, 2009

To the Editor:

The All Free Wakefield Community Day Committee — Sally Adams, Janice Claiborne, Orris Crocker and Leading Lady Karen Perry — would like to thank everyone who participated and visited the Wakefield Ball Park on Aug. 1.

A special thank you to the community helpers: Sussex Sheriff’s Department and Dare Program Officers, Sussex Social Service Department, Wakefield Fire and Rescue Departments and Delegate Roslyn Tyler for attending.

If you did not receive one of the goodie bags, you sure missed some treats. The pork barbecue, hot dogs and hamburgers that were served were delicious. I think the adults ate more cotton candy, Icees and popcorn than the children.

It was a blessing to see the fellowship between Triumph In Victory Christian Church and the community.

The Rev. Ernest Perry has often said that our purpose for being in Wakefield is to help and to give to the community. The community organizations were a tremendous blessing in their giving to support our annual event.

It is our prayer that the free items that were given such as back-to-school supplies, book bags, gently used clothing, toothbrushes, coupons, food, drinks and other items were a blessing to the community. We look forward to your participation and visitation next year. Feel free to visit our church on any occasion in which our doors are open.

Through our church doors, we enter to worship and depart to serve.

Sally Adams
