Ben Ramey

Published 8:47 am Saturday, August 15, 2009

Name: Ben Ramey

Age: 18

If I could change my name, I’d make it: Circuit Maximus

Pet I’d like to own: Already have dogs

People say I look like: Harry Potter (used to)

Favorite movie of all time: “Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy Grail”

TV show I never miss: “The Simpsons”

The secret to happiness is: Enjoying life

I wish I knew how to: Run extremely fast

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: “What I’m Made Of” by Crush 40

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Chicken, Domino’s Pizza and peanut butter and jelly

Three words that best describe me: Funny, nice and caring

One superpower I wish I had: To breathe and swim well under water

Book currently on my nightstand: “Gideon’s Trumpet” (forced to read it for school)

My proudest achievement: Putting my drawings in the Rawls Art Show

My most recent trip: Outer Banks during spring break

My friends think I’m: Funny

Favorite color: Green

the best life lesson I’ve learned, and who taught ME: My parents taught me right from wrong.

This gives me the blues: Sad stories