Jerrell King

Published 12:03 pm Saturday, July 11, 2009

Name: Jerrell King

Age: 23

occupation and title: Paraprofessional

Church affiliation: Oak Grove Baptist Church

If I could change my name, I’d make it: Shawn

Pet I’d like to own: A monkey

People say I look like: My mom, Lois C. King

Favorite movie of all time: “The Simpsons Movie”

TV show I never miss: “Meet the Browns”

The secret to happiness is: Live for today and tomorrow will take care of itself.

I wish I knew how to: Draw

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: “Praise him in advance” by Marvin Sapp

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Baked chicken, string beans and corn

Three words that best describe me: Fun, outgoing and free-spirited

One superpower I wish I had: Flying

Book currently on my night stand: Bible

My proudest achievement: Learning how to play the piano

My most humbling moment: Seeing my father in the hospital

My most recent trip: Washington, D.C.

My life won’t be complete until: I have a Mercedes

My friends think I’m: Giving

I really lose my cool when: People disrespect elderly people

Favorite pro sports team: New York Giants

Favorite college sports team: Norfolk State University

Favorite color: Purple

the best life lesson i’ve learned and who taught me: My grandmother, Daisy B. Cato, taught me to be kind to people, regardless of how they have treated you.

the best decision I have made in life: To work in the school system

The local charitable or nonprofit organization I wish more people would support: Make-A-Wish Foundation

THIS gives me the blues: When I think about my deceased grandmother

MY best childhood memory: Running in the yard at my grandmother’s house

My most recent venture: I went to the movies with a good friend.