Drew Dunn
Published 10:21 am Saturday, May 9, 2009
Name: Drew Dunn
Age: 53
Occupation and title: Worship leader at Courtland Baptist Church and shop manager at Drake Tire Co.
Children’s names and ages: Jessie Dunn 22, Jay Dunn, 18, and Mac Dunn, 17
Church affiliation: Courtland Baptist Church
Pet I’d like to own: Beagle
People say I look like: Kyle Petty
TV show I never miss: Joel Olsteen Sunday night at 8 p.m.
The secret to happiness is: Fill yourself every day with the Holy Spirit and laugh a lot.
I wish I knew how to: Play the piano
Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: How Great Is Our God by Chris Tomlin
If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Chicken, chicken and more chicken
Three words that best describe me: Passionate about God
One superpower I wish I had: To save all lost souls
Book currently on my night stand: “Power of Praise and Worship”
My proudest achievement: Being saved
My most humbling moment: When God shows me the talents he has blessed me with are His
My most recent trip: To see my daughter, Jessie, in Cleveland, Tenn.
My life won’t be complete until: I accomplish all God has for me to do
My friends think I’m: I pray they see me as a Godly man
I really lose my cool when: I pray that God gives me the strength not to lose my cool.
Favorite pro sports team: Baltimore Orioles
Favorite color: Blue
the best life lesson I’ve learned, and who taught ME? To surround yourself with people who support you and also with younger people to keep you young — Dr. Ira Hudgins
the best decision I’ve made in life: To give my life to God
The local charitable or nonprofit organization I wish more people would support: In our current economic times, we need to look right here in our community.
MY best childhood memory: Having the parents I was blessed with and being brought up in a Christian home
MY most recent venture: Starting back to college to complete my bachelor of science in religion