Highway project needs to stay local

Published 8:55 am Friday, May 8, 2009

To the Editor:

Your April 22 paper stated that a certain company dropped out of the bidding to construct the 460 Improvements project — the 55-mile, four-lane divided highway from Prince George County all the way to Suffolk’s 58 bypass (“Company withdraws from part of road project”).

My concern is that the company is from Spain, not from the United States. I find it hard to believe that the Virginia Department of Transportation was unable to find a U.S.-owned company to do the project. The other company that Jeff Hetzer, the program manager for VDOT, mentions is from Madrid. I may need some educating; perhaps this company is owned by an American, but when the money is given to build the highway, my question is Where will it be spent?

We need to keep local money local — here in the states.

Colleen C. Flick
