Published 11:07 am Saturday, April 25, 2009

FRANKLIN—Kindergartners from S.P. Morton Elementary School joined the circus this week.

The 95 pupils from six classes had been rehearsing for three weeks to bring Circus Circus to the stage for two separate performances. Tuesday night they played to a packed house for the Parent-Teacher Association meeting, and Wednesday they did another show for incoming kindergartners and their parents at the annual kindergarten registration.

“I think they did such a good job,” said teacher Cherie Karmilovich, who helped plan the colorful show. “They really loved dressing up.”

The hourlong performance included children dressed as lions, acrobats, clowns, announcers and elephants. Also in on the fun were a man who “swallows fire,” two strongmen, a mouse, a dog, a cat and a lion tamer. A girl also was dressed as a house for the line “a lady as big as a house.”

On Friday the children were treated to a field trip to a real circus.