Gayle Johnson

Published 9:39 am Saturday, March 28, 2009

Name: Gayle Johnson

Age: 57

Occupation and title: LPN Southampton Pediatrics

Spouse’s name: Ronnie Johnson

Children’s names and ages: Andy 26, Sara 22, Monica, 25, my daughter-in-law and grandchild MaKayla 15 months

Church affiliation: Boykins Baptist Church

Favorite movie of all time: Gone With The Wind

TV show I never miss: Dancing With The Stars

I wish I knew how to … Play the piano like my daughter Sara

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: From This Moment by Shania Twain

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be …Potatoes, popcorn and butterbeans

Book currently on my nightstand: Three Cups of Tea

My proudest achievement: Having a wonderful family

My most humbling moment: There have been many of those moments. One of them was when my granddaughter MaKayla Gail Johnson was born.

My most recent trip: The Outer Banks

My friends think I’m …. Loyal, fun and nice

I really lose my cool when … People are discourteous

Favorite pro sports team: New York Yankees

Favorite color: Green

What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned, and who taught you? My mom and dad taught me to be honest, work hard and never quit.

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life? To marry Ronnie

Which local charitable or non-profit organization do you wish more people would support? The Food Banks

What gives you the blues? Several rainy days

What’s your best childhood memory? Going to Sunken Meadow Beach in the summer