Windsor picks trainee for city manager’s job
Published 8:32 am Friday, March 13, 2009
Michael Stallings Jr., the town’s planning and zoning administrator, will train to assume the position of town manager in late summer or early fall, the Town Council announced Tuesday.
Stallings will train in an apprentice program under interim Town Manager John Rowe. At the conclusion of the apprenticeship, the council will decide whether to appoint Stallings on a permanent basis.
Mayor Marvin Crocker said the decision was made after the town conducted a nationwide search to fill the position vacated by Kurt Falkenstein in June. Council members praised the decision.
“I think it’s a win-win situation for Michael and a win-win situation for Windsor,” said Councilman Wesley Garris.
Added Rowe: “He’s going to be a credit to our community and a credit to local government.”
Stallings is a 2001 graduate of Isle of Wight Academy and a 2006 graduate of Radford University.
Council members also discussed potential budget cuts by the Virginia Department of Transportation, including reducing operating hours of the Jamestown-Scotland ferry. No action was taken.
A state public hearing about VDOT’s future service reductions will be held at 6 p.m. Monday at Willoughby Elementary School in Norfolk.
A hearing about the proposed Jamestown-Scotland ferry service reductions will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday at Luther Porter Jackson Middle School in Surry.