Franklin schools face $1M in cuts
Published 7:47 am Saturday, February 14, 2009
FRANKLIN—Franklin city schools will face at least a $1 million cut in state aid for the 2010 school year.
Bev Rabil, the acting superintendent of schools, said the cuts, which are a result of Gov. Tim
Kaine’s proposal to reduce school funding, may be even deeper.
“We know it will be at least this much, but we haven’t gotten our final numbers from the city yet,” said Rabil.
Rabil said school administrators are working diligently to make adjustments in budgets and will take care to lessen the impact to students.
“As we begin making our recommendations for cuts, we will do so with two guiding principles in mind,” said Rabil. “We are going to consider the children first by keeping in mind what will be in the best interest of educating our students. After that, we will cut all other possible expenses before we look at laying off staff.”
Rabil said all department heads and building managers have been instructed to cut at least 15 percent of their current expenses. Rabil said after those cuts had been made her administration would further assess whether more cuts are needed.
During Thursday night’s school board meeting, Rabil and her staff will present their recommendations for the board’s consideration.
“Everyone in the school system is taking this news very seriously,” she said. “We are united in wanting to do what is best for our children and ultimately all of our decisions will be made with them in mind.”
The school board will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall.