Keith Rose

Published 3:36 am Saturday, January 3, 2009

Name: Keith Rose

Age: 51

Spouse’s name: Sharon Rose

Children’s names and ages: Latoya Rose 25, Amber Rose 21, Joshua Rose 17

Church affiliation: Pastor at Pine Level Baptist Church in Capron

People say I look like: My mother

Pet I’d like to own: German shepherd

Favorite movie of all time: “The Greatest Story Ever Told”

TV show I never miss: “CSI”

THe secret to happiness is: Let go and let God

I wish I knew how to: Play the organ at church

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: “Let it Rain”

I just can’t stop eating: Seafood

First car I ever owned: 1974 Volkswagen

Three words that best describe me: Loving, caring and friendly

One superpower I wish I had: Feed the hungry in the world

Book currently on my nightstand: Bible

My proudest achievement: Marrying my lovely wife, Sharon

My most humbling moment: My wedding day

My most recent trip: To State Police Headquarters, FBI school training, in Richmond

My friends think I’m: Too busy and caring

I really lose my cool when: I see people disrespected

Favorite college sports team: Michigan

Favorite pro sports team: Washington Redskins

Favorite color: Red

Which local charitable or nonprofit organization do you wish more people would support? Boys & Girls Club

What gives you the blues? Seeing people mistreated and children abused

What’s the most Southern thing you’ve ever done? Went to a hog killing

What’s your best childhood memory? Going fishing with my father for the first time