Sheriff’s Department needs to notify neighborhoods

Published 10:35 pm Thursday, December 11, 2008

To the Editor:

I live in one of the areas targeted by scumbags breaking into homes. I knew nothing of it until reading it in the Dec. 7 paper.

Thank you, Tidewater News. The article said the break-ins have been going on since October. I don’t know what the Sheriff’s Department is doing to solve the burglaries, but I do know they need the help of the residents to catch these scum.

The Sheriff’s Department needs to notify people when these things are going on (not a month later) so people can keep a more determined visual of their neighborhood.

I have not seen any patrols in my area, much less stepped -up patrols, and I’m back and forth all day, every day. Even if the Sheriff’s Department has to go door-to-door, people need to be alerted when these events happen.

Mark Turner
