Michelle Buchanan

Published 7:55 pm Friday, November 28, 2008

Name: Michelle Buchanan

Age: 31

Occupation and title: Real estate agent

Spouse’s name: Quinton Buchanan

Children’s names and ages: Jordan, 7, Savannah, 5 and Taylor Ann, 4

Church affiliation: Rock Church

What’s the best part of your day? Mid-afternoon, when I feel like I a have accomplished all my goals and tasks, for the day

If you could select another profession, what would you do? I would work at a teen-youth crisis center to give our youth hope and direction.

Why do you choose to live here? I love my community and friends.

If you had two weeks’ vacation and money were no object, how would you spend your time? Most likely I would load up the entire family on a private jet and we would write down all of the places we have always wanted to visit or see and go experience every one of them together.

Favorite food: Italian

Favorite weekend destination: Lake Gaston

Favorite college sports team: Virginia Tech

Favorite color: Brown

What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned, and who taught you? Robert Hill Sr. taught me to follow my dreams, that we as people are the ones who can make a difference and finally that life is so precious. Value every day.

Favorite Bible verse: “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” Phillipians 4:13

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life? To serve God and be open to do what he would have me to do or say

Which local charitable or non-profit organization do you wish more people would support? Trooper Hill Toy Drive

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know: I have a fear of heights.

What’s your hobby? Music and singing

If you could re-live one day of your life, which would it be and why? I think everything that has happened thus far has made me who I am, so I would not change what God’s plan was for my life.

What gives you the blues? When my kids are sick

What’s the most Southern thing you’ve ever done? Attempting to swing from a rope into the Nottoway

What’s your best childhood memory? Me and my friends sledding in the sand dunes in Chesapeake after a huge snow.

Tell us one true thing: Miracles still happen.

What frightens you most? Our country’s safety

Who’s your favorite ex-president? Abraham Lincoln

If you could pass or change one law, what would it be? Roe vs. Wade

What last brought tears to your eyes? Thinking about our nation and how we have a law that allows women to kill their unborn children, but yet you can be arrested for spanking them? God help us!

If you could invite three guests ­ — living or dead, from anytime in history — to dinner, who would they be? Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and Princess Diana

What three objects would you take with you to a desert island? Cell phone to call home and let them know I am OK, raft so I could leave when I was ready. GPS to find my way home.

What kind of music do you like, and who’s your favorite performer? Christian. Third Day

Tell us about a good movie you’ve seen lately and why you liked it: “Fireproof.” It was about a couple that through their struggles in life found God and saved their life and marriage. It reminded me about the important things in life and how God has a hand in it all.

Who’s a famous athlete or entertainer you admire? Brooke Shields for being who she is and standing up for the things in our society that no one wants to admit are there and for wanting to make a difference and be a voice

What’s the last book you read? “Safe People”

To whom are you grateful and why? To my husband for supporting me in all my activities that I am involved in at church, toy drive, schools, community, family, etc. Also for accepting me for the free spirit I am and supporting me as I follow my dreams.