Fall is a great time for us to reflect on year thus far

Published 12:26 am Wednesday, November 5, 2008

To the Editor:

What about fall is there not to love … the smell of freshly dug peanuts, the change of color throughout the wooded acres that we are blessed with in this area, and the cool damp nights, that can easily be used as a excuse to snuggle up with our significant others. True, summertime is very enjoyable also, but fall can be a time to sit back and reflect on the year past since winter brings the rush of the holiday season.

To me, fall brings back memories of helping my grandfather on the farm digging up peanuts. After he would hook the trailers up to the peanut driers, I was just lay on top, gazing in the sky as the sun set over Country Club Road, feeling the warmth of the air blowing across my neck from the peanuts, wondering what the future held.

Even now, when I drive past a tractor in a field, its takes me back to those days over and over.

So, as you are reflecting about what fall means to you, embellish your house with orange, red and gold, carve a pumpkin, sit back and relax for it will be gone before you know it.

Mary Dunn
