Scholarships honor the memory of former students
Published 7:15 am Friday, October 10, 2008
As noted in my Sept. 19 column, now is the time to plan ahead for spring semester at Paul D. Camp Community College. Early registration (for current students) for spring semester begins Nov. 17, with classes starting Jan. 12 — and the application deadline for local scholarships and grants is Nov. 7.
Through the generosity of various individuals and organizations, these awards are available to help students get ahead. In addition to the scholarships and grants cited in the September column, following are descriptions of two memorial nursing scholarships available for spring semester that are funded by caring people.
The Connie Patterson Memorial
Nursing Scholarship
The Connie Patterson Memorial Nursing Scholarship was established Sept. 22, 2006, to honor the memory of Connie Patterson. Connie was employed by Internal Medicine as a medical administrator from Oct. 14, 1996, until her death in 2006. Connie is survived by her husband, John Patterson and two sons, Adam T. Patterson and Mark E. Patterson.
The initiative for the fund came from her coworkers at Internal Medicine and the physicians, Dr. Alan W. Edwards, Dr. Robert G. Edwards and Dr. Daniel K. Peak Jr. who worked with Connie and wanted to honor her commitment to helping others by establishing a scholarship to assist deserving students in the nursing profession.
The criteria for the $200 scholarship award include the following:
* Scholarship awards are to be granted from the distribution of the endowed account to student(s) who are enrolled at Paul D. Camp Community College, in the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
* Consideration will be given to projected contributions to the nursing profession upon graduation as demonstrated by active participation in nursing associations while a student.
* Students must be in good academic standing.
* Students must have successfully completed the third semester nursing curriculum.
* Awards can be based on the financial needs of a particular student (but not necessarily).
Ryan L. Kirkland Memorial Scholarship for Nursing Students
Ryan Lawrence Kirkland graduated from the College of William and Mary in 1999 with a bachelor of science degree in Biology. Following a brief tour for the state of Alaska as a scientific observer on commercial fishing boats, he taught science in the public school system for four years.
Ryan was passionate about education, science and people. It was only natural when he decided to return to school to become a registered nurse. He entered the RN program at Paul D. Camp Community College in Aug. 2006.
His ready smile, sense of humor, dedication to study, and caring for others quickly earned the trust and respect of his classmates and college faculty. He was elected president of the class of 2008.
Ryan loved people and accepted them as they were, no questions asked. He was always ready to lend his support to any project, problem or cause.
On March 21, 2007, Ryan died in a car accident. His time here was short, but he will never be forgotten. Ryan’s classmates said it best at their capping ceremony when they read a poem in his memory affirming a simple truth: On a tombstone, you will see a date of birth and a date of death, but what is really important is how the time was spent between those years.
Criteria for this $1,000 scholarship include the following:
n Enrollment in PDCCC Registered Nurse (RN) Program
n Member of the RN Class of 2009
n Minimal GPA 2.5 (transcript must be attached to application)
n Two letters of recommendation: one from a member of the nursing faculty and one from someone in the community other than a family member
n Financial need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application)
n Recalling how Ryan cared for all people, describe how you too have supported fellow classmates throughout the nursing program and how you will continue this legacy of caring in your career as a nurse
For information on all spring semester scholarships or programs available at PDCCC, call 569-6700 or visit our Web site at