Good Samaritan deserves praise for helping

Published 11:20 pm Tuesday, October 7, 2008

To the Editor:

There are still some very fine caring and compassionate people in this world, and I would like to publicly thank the young man in the white car who bothered to stop today (Sat., Oct. 4) and check to see if I was OK after seeing me take a fall.

Neither my husband nor I thought at the time to ask his name, and I apologize for not doing that, but we want you know how very much we appreciate your act of kindness.

In one of those freak accidents, my shoelace — or shoe, actually — got caught on a piece of equipment as I was moving by it outside while closing up our shop in Walters, and I took a seemingly slow forward fall to the ground.

This kind young man stopped his car yards past us on the other side of the road, came across the highway and helped to make sure I was OK.

He even put another knot in my shoelaces, so they would not be so long.

Although I did, after all, get a few more bruises and bumps than initially thought, I will heal just fine.

Thank you again for stopping, and may God watch over you, too, as you watch for others.

Barbara Herrala
