Thanks to those who helped with and enjoyed remembrances

Published 9:57 pm Thursday, September 25, 2008

To the Editor:

So many friends have called or told us in person said how very much they enjoyed my remembrances of the Purviances in your paper. I had left an envelope with the former editor containing old pictures and that write-up for the “In Days Past” feature (Sept. 14, page A8).

When the new editor called to ask if I had a copy of the article on a disc, I had to say no. Since I don’t type, I referred her to my friend. Linda Beatty, who does my typing and deciphering of my scribbly handwriting.

That Friday night, when she got home from work, Linda searched her files and, sure enough, had the article on a disc. She e-mailed a copy to The Tidewater News office and, lo and behold, it appeared in the next morning’s home-delivered edition.

Now, I not only remember the “good old days” but admire the “good new ways!” Thanks to all.

Kitty Lassiter
