Leatherwood Taxidermy
Published 7:32 pm Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Name of Business: Leatherwood Taxidermy
Address: 105C South College Drive, Franklin
Phone number: 329-3175
Operating Hours: Showroom hours vary. Please call for an appointment.
E-mail address: edward@leatherwoodtaxidermy.com
Nature of Business: Professional taxidermist
Principle owner/manager and title: Edward McKellar (pictured)
Year Founded: January 2008
Prior Location: n/a
Number of employees: It’s just me
How’s business: Things have been great since opening. I have taken in well over what I had anticipated. As well, I have had the opportunity to work on a wide array of pieces.
One thing you wish everyone knew about your business: That as with any consumer goods, quality counts in taxidermy. And high quality is what’s offered at Leatherwood Taxidermy. High grade material, proper preservation methods, extensive study and commitment to one piece at a time are essential in creating a clients trophy mount that not only look great but will last for years to come.
Something you offer that a customer won’t find elsewhere: With the latest trend for replica fish mounts. It is becoming more and more rare to find taxidermists that still offer skin mount fish. Leatherwood Taxidermy offers skin-mount fish, and rather than using a general fish body. Leatherwood Taxidermy offers the carved body method. This is where the body that represents the actual fish body is carved by hand for an accurate and custom fit. This provides a much more eye-pleasing finished product. As well, customers will find that Leatherwood Taxidermy offers custom habitat scenes. Whether it’s a half-pound blue gill or a 400-pound black bear, clients can have a habitat scene made to their preferences.
Advice to young entrepreneurs: Anyone pursuing a career in any field needs to realize the importance of goal-setting. Write your goals down and then you can watch your progress. Until it’s on paper, it will remain as an idea. It’s very rewarding to sit down one day and realize how many things you get to check off your list.
Your first job: My first job was at a grocery store in my hometown. It was the Piggly Wiggly in Tylertown, Miss. There I bagged groceries, stocked shelves, brought in shopping carts and just other general tasks. It was a good job as a kid.
Your role model (in business or in life generally): My list of role modes is a long one. Just to name a few: my parents were huge in making me what I am today. And still influence and encourage me as a businessperson, a husband, a father, a Christian and just a person in general. My wife is a huge influence as well. She pushes me to always work hard and do the best job I can. Another role model is the late Dr. Wendell B. Holmes of McComb, Miss. He was just one of the greatest persons I have ever known. He always had time for everyone. And he taught me that working hard and treating people right were essential in life.
The key to a successful business is: I think working hard and delivering “the promise” are key in business. People work hard for their money, and when they spend it, they should leave feeling good about the decision they made.