Name: Ronnie Smithwick

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Age: 23

Occupation and title: Special education teacher at Southampton High School.

Spouse’s name: Single

Children’s names and ages: No children

What’s the best part of your day? My days are normally pretty good throughout the day. Between teaching and coaching baseball, it is hard to pick just one part.

If you could select another profession, what would you do? If I was not a teacher, I think I would enjoy being a golf professional.

Why do you choose to live in Franklin/Southampton/Isle of Wight County? Southampton County is a great place to live because of the hometown atmosphere. It is also very close to the mountains as well as the beaches (just without the traffic).

If you had two weeks’ vacation and money were no object, how would you spend your time? I would fill up my newly purchased Toyota motor home and drive down 95 for seven days, stopping at every state for one night. After seven days I would turn around and do it all over again.

Favorite food: Eggs Benedict

Favorite weekend destination: Any place with warm weather and a golf course.

Favorite college sports team: Duke Basketball

Favorite pro sports team: Dallas Cowboys

Favorite Color: Blue

What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned, and who taught you? Weigh out all the pro’s and con’s before making a decision.

(My father, Jerry Smithwick).

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life? Going to college.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know. I am an only child.

What’s your hobby? Golfing, softball and camping

What gives you the blues? High gas prices

What’s the most Southern thing you’ve ever done?

Bought a 1985 Toyota Sunland Express motorhome.

What’s your best childhood memory? Unwrapping my very own Red Ryder BB gun at Christmas

What frightens you most?

Any combination of a snake/spider in a clown outfit

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why? Dominican Republic.

I went there three years ago and everyone there is very friendly and laid back.

Who’s your favorite ex-president? Clinton

If you could invite three guests - living or dead, from anytime in history - to dinner, who would they be? Dale Earnhardt, My aunt Kathy, and Jessica Biel (all for obvious reasons)

What three objects would you take with you to a desert island? Bathing suit, radio, fishing pole.

What kind of music do you like, and who’s your favorite performer? Classic Rock and Country (Kenny Chesney).

Tell us about a good movie you’ve seen lately and why you liked it. D/jˆ vu. I enjoyed it because it left you on the edge of your seat in suspense and great acting by Denzel.

Who’s a famous athlete or entertainer you admire?

Tiger Woods, for him to perform every week with the pressure from the media, is very admirable.

What’s the last book you read?

“Where the Red Fern Grows”

To whom are you grateful and why? I am grateful for my parents who gave me a chance to have a decent education throughout high school and college.