What or who is Futures?
Published 12:00 am Monday, April 21, 2008
Readers, if you’ve been reading The Tidewater News lately, you may have noticed a few references to Franklin-Southampton Futures Inc.
You may be hearing about or seeing more of this very important organization, but if we are doing the job we have set out to do, you will more likely experience the effects of our efforts on behalf of all citizens in our region.
Futures Inc. is an outgrowth of the same body of work that produced a joint Franklin-Southampton Economic Development Commission. Futures Inc. is the result of a collaborative effort of the City of Franklin, Southampton County, the Chamber of Commerce, the Charities and the Camp Foundation to find ways the two local governments can work together beyond economic development.
The board of directors of Futures is made up of individuals who have been appointed by each of the above-mentioned organizations.
There is no prototype for a group such as Futures Inc. After the above-mentioned organizations birthed this baby without any funding, it was up to the board of directors to raise Futures into a responsible citizen, so to speak.
Sometimes, we have felt like an orphan without any parents, but we are committed to our mission.
After weekly meetings, a membership drive and intense strategic planning, we believe we are past the toddler stage and ready to walk firmly into our community to raise citizen awareness of various issues.
Our mission is a simple one: We wish to enhance the quality of life for all citizens within our region by promoting cooperative efforts between the two governments.
We are not seeking merger. That is for others to contemplate.
Both the City of Franklin and Southampton County strive to offer the best quality and the highest level of service for its citizens within the parameters of affordability to taxpayers.
The goal of Futures Inc is to identify areas of redundancy or opportunities for the two to work together. Sharing costs where identified:
n Reduces the cost borne by each.
n Improves the level of program quality for each.
n And enables more citizens of our region to be served.
There are quality-of-life issues that impact both governments. Both governments are wrangling with decreasing revenues and increasing expenses.
All taxpayers are affected. Futures Inc. simply wants to take advantage of synergies that will improve the standard of living for all citizens.
Whether you are a citizen of Southampton County or the City of Franklin, Futures Inc. is your organization.
Doug Boyce
Ernest Claud Jr.
June Fleming
Brian Hedgepeth
Edna King
Chuck Lilley
Lynne Rabil
Jane Riddick-Fries
board of directors
Franklin-Southampton Futures Inc.