Name: Lynn Harrell Ramsey

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 3, 2008

Age: I am very lucky to have made it to 53.

Occupation and title:

I was an LPN, and the last job I had was working at Capron Correctional Unit 20. I have been retired for many years.

Spouse’s name: Travis Ramsey

Children’s names and ages: Jason Ramsey, 29, Amy Hinson, 26, and she is married to Jonathan

Church affiliation: High Hills Baptist Church in Jarratt

What’s the best part of your day? In the evening when Travis comes home from work

If you could select another profession, what would you do? I would be a news reporter. Watching the news and reading the newspaper is fascinating to me. My children tell me that I missed my calling.

Why do you choose to live in Southampton County? When Travis and I got married 33 years ago, he was from Drewryville, so that is where we live.

If you had two weeks’ vacation and money were no object, how would you spend your time? I would love to go to Montana. Going to foreign countries is not something I am interested in doing because there is so much in the USA to see.

Favorite food: I love chicken; I can fix it so many ways.

Favorite weekend destination: That would be Nags Head any time of the year.

Favorite college sports team: Virginia Tech Hokies

Favorite pro sports team: I don’t have a favorite driver at this time, but I love NASCAR.

Favorite color: Blue

What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned, and who taught you? When I was diagnosed with cancer when I was 34, I learned that you should live each day to the fullest because you are not guaranteed tomorrow.

Favorite Bible verse: The Golden Rule – &uot;Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.&uot;

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life? I have had to make some difficult decisions, but to marry Travis and to have Jason and Amy are the best ones.

Which local charitable or non-profit organization do you wish more people would support? I am very active in the Woman’s Club and the Ruritan Club. I would like to see more people involved in these because without the work they do our communities in Southampton would be very different.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know. I am afraid of high places, and I would love to go up in the crows nest at Nags Head and I am afraid to go up that high.

What’s your hobby? I love to cook, and I am working on publishing a cookbook soon.

If you could re-live one day of your life, which would it be and why? I cannot pick just one day because each of them are special in their own way. You just need to live one day at a time.

What’s the most Southern thing you’ve ever done? I grew up living on a farm. So we chopped peanuts, gathered eggs, harvested tobacco and killed hogs. That all is about as Southern as you can get.

What’s your best childhood memory? After Gaston Lake was built we would go and swim and boat ride almost every Sunday. We would take a lot of friends, and we had a wonderful time. A lot of weekends we would camp, and that was a lot of fun too.

Tell us one true thing. Education is very important, and everyone should strive to obtain an education to improve themselves.

What frightens you most? Being diagnosed with cancer again and having to go through the treatments

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why? I really don’t want to live anywhere else. I think we are fortunate to live here in an area where we are close to the ocean and the mountains. We have areas of historical interest and theme parks. The weather is a combination but not usually drastic like some area have. Also here most people do care about others, and if you need others or something happens they are there to help if they can sometimes they don’t even know you but are concerned.

Who’s your favorite ex-president? I admire Dwight D. Eisenhower. I think he was a great man and leader.

If you could pass or change one law, what would it be? I would change the disability laws because there are so many cases that take so long to get people approved that really need the help and have paid into Social Security.

What last brought tears to your eyes? There were tears of joy when Amy and Jonathan told me that they are going to have a baby in June of this year.

If you could invite three guests n living or dead, from anytime in history n to dinner, who would they be? Susan G. Komen, Dolly Parton and Oprah

What three objects would you take with you to a desert island? I would have to have the telephone, my computer and my makeup. If I could carry four, it would be my curling iron, too.

What kind of music do you like, and who’s your favorite performer? Country music, and I like Toby Keith.

Tell us about a good movie you’ve seen lately and why you liked it. Broken Bridges that starred Toby Keith

Who’s a famous athlete or entertainer you admire? I admire Oprah because of the accomplishments that she has made in her life.

What’s the last book you read? I was listing the books that my daughter has for her fifth grade. When &uot;Misty of Chincoteague&uot; had to be listed, I decided to read it. I had not read it in many years. I really don’t read books much.

To whom are you grateful and why? It is a combination of all of my family (my grandmother, my parents, my husband, my children, and my son-in-law and soon to be grandchild). Each of them has a special place in my heart. And I am very thankful for each of them, and there is not anything I would not do for them if I could.