Forum seeks input on southern Isle of Wight’s future
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 29, 2008
CARRSVILLE—Isle of Wight’s planning department is looking for input from the community about the future of Route 58 from Camptown to Carrsville.
“What should this area be like in 20 years?” the Department of Planning and Zoning asks in a recent announcement.
The department plans a public forum on the topic from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday at Carrsville Elementary School. Residents, property owners and business owners have been invited to attend and “help shape the vision for the future of Route 58.”
Officials are promoting the forum as a “fun, exciting workshop” in which participants will join in exercises that help identify the best things about living and working in the area, the things that need improvement and citizens’ expectations for community for the next 20 years or so.
The process began in August, during a public kickoff meeting. Tuesday’s workshop will focus on taking input from that meeting and turning it into a “Vision for the Future.”
A professional facilitator will lead the discussion.