Looking ahead

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 29, 2007

Some new-year wishes for 2008 …

– For Franklin voters: a full slate of contested City Council races — and an election campaign waged on issues, not personalities. While we’re at it, let’s extend that wish statewide, as Virginians decide on a successor to U.S. Sen. John Warner.

– For the Camp YMCA, which contributes so much to our citizenry’s quality of life: lots of new members and donors.

– For Southampton Memorial Hospital: a competent, energetic new leader to fill the big shoes of departing CEO Sean Dardeau.

– For our hometown retailers in Franklin, Southampton County and Isle of Wight County: full coffers and a buying public that’s mindful of the importance of shopping at home.

– For the YMCA’s Pat Newman and Paul D. Camp Community College’s Carolyn Crowder, who served their respective institutions so well: happy and healthy retirements. The same wish goes to departing public servants Wayne Cosby, John Robert Harrup and William Laine, who have served their constituents so honorably and competently.

– For Hokies and Wahoos: another Tech-UVA football game that means something besides bragging rights. While we’re wishing, how about a clash of unbeatens on Nov. 29 in Blacksburg?

– For Smithfield High football standout Dyrell Roberts, poised to become the first Western Tidewater player in years to sign a major-college football scholarship: early playing time at Tech.

– For good guy Al Groh, who presumably no longer “must go”: continued gridiron success in Charlottesville.

– For the Franklin-Southampton and Suffolk-Isle of Wight United Way chapters: record-breaking fund drives.

– For downtown Franklin: federal funds for a study on the cause of persistent Blackwater River flooding — and fast action on some solutions.

– For area farmers: rain, rain and more rain.

– For the Riverkeeper, Moonpie and all who enjoy our area waterways: litter-free and pollution-free streams.

– For PDCCC: record spring and fall enrollments.

– For Tim Lass and his Southampton Academy baseball team: a second straight state championship.

– For Mona Sumblin, whose Franklin High Lady Broncos are talented and deep: a state basketball title.

– For Dale Chapman and his Isle of Wight Academy Chargers (dare we ask it?): a fourth straight state football crown.

– For the Southampton County Board of Supervisors, as well as area motorists: VDOT funding of a U.S. 58 overpass at Courtland. Eighteen years is long enough to wait.

– For area churches and pastors: full pews and heavy offering plates.

n For Realtors, builders and others whose livelihoods depend on it: an end to the housing slump.

– For the Western Tidewater Free Clinic: generous hearts and willing hands.

– For our readers and advertisers, whose support and loyalty allow me to pursue a vocation I love: peace, health and prosperity.

STeve Stewart is publisher of The Tidewater News. His e-mail address is steve.stewart@tidewaternews.com.