Name: Lynn Owens-Goodrich

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 17, 2007



Occupation and title: Transition Resource Specialist/Field for the PERT Program out of Woodrow Wilson Rehab Center. I cover schools for the Southeast/Peninsula Region.

Spouse’s name: Lynn Fenton Goodrich

Children’s names and ages: Erin Hayden (18 months) and our cat Mittens age 7

Church affiliation:


What’s the best part of your day? Putting Erin to bed and saying our prayers together, then spending time with Lynn

If you could select another profession, what would you do? Licensed counselor

Why do you choose to live in Franklin/Southampton/Isle of Wight County? My husband and I grew up in Southampton County. We bought a house back in the county 6 years ago, to be closer to our parents.

If you had two weeks’ vacation and money were no object, how would you spend your time? Traveling the world, especially Europe, Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Favorite food: Mom’s fried chicken, butterbeans, rice and gravy and rolls

Favorite weekend destination: Outer Banks, N.C.

Favorite college sports team: Va. Tech Hokies and Old Dominion Monarchs

Favorite pro sports team: I don’t have one right now. Dad will make me say the Redskins.

Favorite color: Blue and Purple

What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned, and who taught you?

My mother has taught me to be very humble about everything, and to always say please and thank you.

Favorite Bible verse: Philippians 4:13 “ I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.”

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life? To marry Lynn, have Erin and to work for the PERT Program

Which local charitable or non-profit organization do you wish more people would support?

Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know. I can play some mean Pinball and Ms. PacMan.

What’s your hobby? Reading and Shopping

If you could re-live one day of your life, which would it be and why? Having Erin. Both of us were so full of emotion. We waited five years for Erin to make her appearance and it was so worth the wait.

What gives you the blues? When people do horrible things to babies and children

What’s the most Southern thing you’ve ever done?

Gone to the tractor pulls at the Wakefield Airport

What’s your best childhood memory? Playing at my grandparents’ house with my sister and brother, especially my sister. We played dress up and put makeup all over our faces.

Tell us one true thing.

God is good. He has plans for each of us.

What frightens you most? Snakes

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why? I like it here, but probably Hawaii-they have no

snakes and the weather is great all year

Who’s your favorite ex-president? I don’t have a favorite.

If you could pass or change one law, what would it be? To have tighter laws and punishment for sex offenders, especially to children.

What last brought tears to your eyes? A song that was sung in church

If you could invite three guests - living or dead, from anytime in history - to dinner, who would they be? My grandparents and great-grandmother who are deceased

What three objects would you take with you to a desert island? My cell phone, water and Bible (I would have time to study it.)

What kind of music do you like, and who’s your favorite performer? All kinds. Jazz is my favorite. I like Kenny G.

Tell us about a good movie you’ve seen lately and why you liked it?

DreamGirls. The sound track was awesome.

Who’s a famous athlete or entertainer you admire? I admire anyone who can overcome a disability, and become well-known

What’s the last book you read? The Four Seasons by Mary Alice Monroe

To whom are you grateful and why? My parents, for bringing me into this world, and Lynn and Erin for being my very best friends