He calls for more patriotism

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 29, 2007

To the Editor:

I was touched by the words of Thomas More in his guest column (&uot;The inside skinny on British food, cola and wanting to come home,&uot; Wednesday, Aug. 22). &uot;I have no views of the war because I’m in the military,&uot; he writes. &uot;I don’t have the luxury of a personal opinion. My country calls me to do a job, and I do it, plain and simple.&uot;

Having a nephew in Iraq fighting for you and me, I do have an opinion. I’m ashamed to tell him just how quick people here are to turn on the military. Headlines next to Thomas More’s words read, &uot;Nobody wants a landing field.&uot;

I would gladly live at the end of a runway to know that the noise of jet engines could be sweet music to a soldier’s ears while saving his life. America, freedom is not free.

Raymond F. Powell
