Newsoms looks to fill council vacancy

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 20, 2007

NEWSOMS—The Newsoms Town Council will meet Monday at 7 p.m. to discuss the replacement of Councilman William J. Fowler, whose June 16 death left a vacancy on the town’s governing body.

Mayor Harvey J. Porter Jr. said Thursday that he had asked the five remaining council members to come to Monday’s meeting with recommendations of people who would be willing to fill out Fowler’s unexpired term.

The town has 45 days from the date of Fowler’s death to name a replacement. If that deadline — which expires at the end of July — is not met, a Circuit Court judge would be charged with making the appointment.

Since its meetings are usually held the first Monday of each month, Newsoms was forced to schedule the special meeting for next week in order to meet its deadline.

Porter described Fowler, a retired farmer, as &uot;an all-around community man (who) kept his town, his church and his family in the forefront.&uot; He had served on the council for about five years.