Closing drop stations a bad idea

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 3, 2007

To the Editor:

I read in Friday’s The Tidewater News that the Southeastern Public Service Authority is closing six stations that accept hazardous waste.

Now people have will have to drive to Suffolk or Virginia Beach to dispose of household chemicals, tires etc.

A spokesperson for SPSA stated that it was actually going to be a better solution. What a load of cow beans.

Yeah, that’s going to make it better, all right, if what they are trying to achieve is seeing our county roads lined with old tires because that’s exactly where people are going to put them. Who the heck is going to get in their car and drive to Suffolk from Courtland to dispose of a lawnmower tire or a couple gallons of old paint? The answer is, of course, no one will.

That stuff is going to end up in our rivers, streams, swamps and woods.

If Southampton County and SPSA don’t make it convenient and easy for citizens to PROPERLY dispose of this stuff, we are all going to end up with it under our feet and polluting our environment and drinking water.

If you want people to do the right thing, make it easier, not more difficult.

Hey, maybe tire-lined ditches would save lives?

Jeff Turner

BNRP riverkeeper
